
Advertise with to our millions of website and social media fans

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The secret behind our success is our locally-grown dream team of passionate Smokies lovers who were all born and raised in the area. We know what visitors in the Smokies want to see. Every article and piece of content on our site was written and refined in response to current social media discussions and Google Trends. This is how we’ve attracted nearly 4 million views (2024) to and grew our social media following to over 185,000+ engaged users. Please find our current rate card below. To learn more, or to purchase a sponsorship opportunity or advertising, please contact us. Rate Card Rate Card

Download our current rate card (updated Feb. 2025) for current ad and sponsorship opportunities.

*Impressions are estimated based on our 2024 site traffic and/or social media impressions where applicable. All content must be family-friendly and approved by our editorial team.