
5 Things Not to Do When Hiking in the Smoky Mountains, According to a Local

A Local Offers Tips on What Not To Do When Hiking in the Smokies There’s something primal about the great, wide places of the world. You feel it standing on a lonely shore, looking out over a great grey ocean. You feel it on the precipice of a canyon or valley, looking across a wide expanse. And you feel it

a red wolf in a forest

Be on Alert, Red Wolves Are Returning to the Smoky Mountains

Efforts are being made to reintroduce the endangered population to North Carolina Of the countless amazing experiences visitors can find in the Smokies, perhaps one of the most unique and memorable are animal sightings and encounters. Watching a mama bear cross the road with her twin cubs was certainly one of the highlights of our recent trip to the Smokies.

The Great Smoky Mountain Bear Quiz!

Take the Quiz below Test your bear knowledge! Make sure to share your score on social media! Read more about bears below

Creepy Looking Toxic Slime Coated Worm Spotted in East Tennessee

TVA has indicated that Hammerhead worms have been spotted around Norris, Tennessee, just north of Knoxville and may thrive in rainy summer weather As someone who has been digging in the East Tennessee earth for more than 30 years, I thought I had a handle on most of the creepy crawlies one might encounter. I’ve turned over rocks and scared

a raccoon on a leash and the welcome to tennessee sign

6 Utterly Bizarre Tennessee Laws You Didn’t Know Existed

​​Tennessee has a few bizarre laws on the books which range from rollerblading at the state Capital to owning pet raccoons I’ve covered Tennessee politicians for more than 20 years. As a result, I know that they are much better at putting new laws on the books than they are at removing old ones. For instance, for years both atheists

people standing around and taking closeup pictures of a bear in cades cove

7 Things Not To Do When You Spot Wildlife In the Smoky Mountains

A few tips and tricks on what not to do when you see wildlife in the Smoky Mountains Warmer weather has returned to the mountains and with it, wildlife in the Smokies is more active. As someone who has lived near the mountains for more than 30 years, I’ve seen my fair share of people who have surprisingly little awareness

fireflies in the night sky

Now’s Your Chance To See the Synchronous Fireflies in the Smoky Mountains

Each year, thousands of people compete for the chance to attend this limited-capacity light show in the Smoky Mountains The hardest ticket to obtain in the Smokies isn’t to Dollywood’s new drone show. It’s not dinner theater on the strip. Certainly, it’s not the lumberjack competition. It’s a ticket to a light show that only happens for a few weeks

a black bear cub crosses the street

The 3 Dangerous Animals You Should Avoid in the Smoky Mountains

Wildlife spotting is part of the fun when visiting the Smoky Mountains, but you’ll need to keep your distance from these dangerous animals As someone who has run around the mountains of East Tennessee for over three decades, I know dangers lurk in the mountains. No, I’m not talking about Bigfeet or feral people or witches or haints. Mother Nature

a nesticus spider and the smoky mountains

3 New Spiders Have Just Been Discovered in the Smoky Mountains

Calling all arachnophobes – 3 new species of spiders have been found in the Great Smoky Mountains Last year, a pair of scientists announced they’d identified 10 new species of spiders, three of them residing in the Smokies. Some are surprised when they announce a new species in the park. However, as someone who has lived around the mountains for

A macro head shot of a 17-year cicada

Get Ready, an Insane Number of Cicadas Are Coming to Tennessee in 2024

A record-breaking billions to trillions of cicadas are set to emerge this spring The cicadas are coming. How many cicadas? As someone who has spent way too much of his life worrying about cicadas, I can say officially, it’s a buttload.  In Spring of 2024, a pair of specific cicada broods will be hatching at the same time for the