
ole red and jason aldean in downtown gatlinburg, tennessee

Ole Red vs Jason Aldean’s: Which Is Better, According to a Local

A local weighs the pros and cons of two popular star-studded restaurants in Gatlinburg, TN There’s a battle of country icons going on every day on the strip in Gatlinburg. In one corner you have Oklahoma’s Blake Shelton whose fame rocketed over some 110 seasons of “The Voice”, which allowed him to display his particular brand of charm and humor.

space needle in gatlinburg, tennessee

The 5 Cheapest Vacation Destinations in the U.S. – Gatlinburg’s Included!

Study finds these popular tourist destinations to be the least expensive in the nation It is part of daily life existing in modern media. Each day, we are served various pitches designed to deliver clicks to the PR firm’s client. “Top 10 towns to retire in the country” “Top 10 towns to get pizza in the Southeast” “Towns where you’re

girl points to winter lights in pigeon forge, tennessee

3 Brilliant Ways To Avoid Crowds in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg

Local offers advice on avoiding crowds during your next Smoky Mountain vacation There was a time when I didn’t mind the crowds in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. When you’re young and life sprawls out before you, spending a couple of hours in traffic breathing gas fumes from the out-of-state SUV in front of you isn’t the torture it is later

animatronic singing chicken

These Are the 3 Weirdest Restaurants in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg

Just because they are ‘weird’ doesn’t mean we don’t love them! Here are 3 strangely themed restaurants in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Like anything, weird is in the eye of the beholder. When considering weird restaurants in the Smoky Mountains, the first thing that pops to mind is there is a seafood place named after a mentally challenged character and

crab legs

I’ve Eaten at Over 50 Gatlinburg Restaurants, These 8 Are the Best

Smoky Mountain native shares secret of where locals eat in Gatlinburg In East Tennessee, we locals keep the secrets that need keeping. The best trout fishin’ holes? You’d better know somebody. But other secrets we don’t worry so much about. For example, where are the best places to eat in town? Heck, we’ll shout directions to strangers on the highway if we

the foothills parkway in the great smoky mountains

Massive Changes May Be Coming to the Gatlinburg Spur, Foothills Parkway

Officials are seeking input on a new phase of the major Foothills Parkway project. Are changes coming to the spur connecting Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg? Yes, probably. Eventually. Growing up on the quiet side of the Smokies, the Foothill Parkway was little more than a rumor for most of my life. There was an on-ramp over by Wears Valley. However,

waffle stacked high with whipped cream

This Stand in Gatlinburg Serves the Craziest Waffles You’ve Ever Seen

Dual-location shop and stand in Gatlinburg serves up decadent waffles all day It’s a bold choice, I would think, to open a pair of waffle shops in the shadow of the iconic Gatlinburg institution the Pancake Pantry. But, in the Smoky Mountains, where there are pancake palaces stacked on top of each other – see what I did there? –

ole smoky moonshine in gatlinburg

3 Cheap Things To Do in Gatlinburg –Less Than $7 Per Person!

A Gatlinburg resident shares his secrets and insider tips on cheap things to do in the Smokies Traveling can be quite expensive. With the costs of everyday life adding up, it can be difficult to save money for vacation. But as a local, I can personally attest that when you visit Gatlinburg, there are a few ways to stretch your

an old chair lift peaks over trees in gatlinburg tennessee

3 Hidden Secrets in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Where To Find Them

Local lists the best hidden secrets that are part of Gatlinburg’s rich history One of the most pleasing – and occasionally frustrating – things about life in a tourist town is the nature of change. Things can come and go quickly. Certainly, some institutions become iconic and stand the test of time (hello Pancake Pantry). That said, there seems to

tourists walking the strip in downtown Gatlinburg during winterfest

These Are the 4 Absolute Worst Times to Visit Gatlinburg, Says Local

If you visit Gatlinburg during one of these times, you may swear you’re never going back As a local who has been knocking around Gatlinburg for more than 30 years, I’ve developed something of an informal guide system on when it’s a good idea to go to the Burg and hang out. Gatlinburg – unlike its sister city Pigeon Forge